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Audience intelligence - Audiense solutions - make smarter content decisions

Audience-centric content creation

Make smarter content decisions

The effectiveness of data-driven content 

A audience-centric content creation allows brands to discover the content that resonates most with each segment across publications they visit and social media posts they interact with.

A food and beverages multinational used Audiense to launch a new product:

  • Understand a new market by analysing their potential competitors product audience and segments
  • Create content to resonate with a new product based on that understanding

How did they use Audiense?

  • Create audience intelligence reports based competitor's audiences
  • Understand the conversation around bottled water and sustainability and uncover the segments behind the conversation that were driving the narrative
  • The brand used a combination of content, interests, personality insights and purchase influence to create the most effective content for promoting their new product. 
  • In addition, they were able to understand that creating a family based ad would be beneficial to getting people engaging with their campaign.

Other resources:

The brand used a combination of content, interests, personality insights and purchase influence to create the most effective content for promoting their new product. 

In addition, they were able to understand that creating a family based ad would be beneficial to getting people engaging with their campaign.

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