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Summer is ending, parents are exhausted, let’s get back to school... Strategically!

Summer is ending, parents are exhausted, let’s get back to school...strategically - Media strategy - Audiense InsightsThe end of summer is looming! Whilst children are sad to say bye to days of fun and relaxation parents are ready to get back to a routine. Back to School remains one of the most important campaigns of the year across multiple industries including technology and retail. Retail generates an increase in sales through clothing, stationery, supplies, books and so much more. Now is the time for one last campaign push. Get your promotions, discounts and media strategy ready! How you ask...

Why not base your media strategy on the affinity of your audience. What audience? Your target audience. How? Let’s take a look at an scenario: you’re looking to launch a promotional back to school marketing campaign to stores located within the New York city region.

First, you will need to create an audience that meets a criteria that is of interest to you or your organisation, in this instance you would look for Mums and Dads in New York City. Once the audience is created and the individuals within it are identified, generate an Insights Report which will equip you with the data and information you will require to plan your media strategy.

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Next, with the consumer insights report ready have a look at identifying niche media channels, publications and blogs that focus on parenting, family and child care with a greater affinity among New York parents. These online and offline channels would be ideal for campaign placement, personalised promotions or to even scope opportunities for partnerships.

Audiense Insights - Media Strategy - Parents NY - Interests - Family

Informing your media strategies with data and consumer insights ensures that the invested budget is optimised. In turn maximising your ROI on the return to school!

Interested in uncovering the FULL picture? Looking to optimise your back-to-school campaign? Why not register for a FREE Audiense Insights account and explore the FULL report.