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[Product Update] Nouveau portail produit, programme Audiense Beta et plus encore...

We are happy to be back with our winter 2022 product update. We hope you’ll enjoy the new Product Portal we launched, and some other little goodies we have been working on for you!

In this update, you’ll find:

Product Portal - Roadmap

We want you to have a say on Audiense’s development, so we have launched a portal to keep you up to date with our roadmap, and better still make it possible for you to vote on planned developments in the pipeline and even better suggest your own new ideas for us to consider. Why would we do this? To help us prioritize developments that matter the most to you and your projects.

What you can do within the Portal

You’ll be able to see all our planned features, those in beta, under consideration and the ones we have recently launched. You can now access the portal via the Audiense platform, and simply click on each feature card to vote if it's a nice-to-have, important or critical update, providing your reasons. 

As well as voting on individual features, for those of you that may have suggestions of your own, you’ll see a “Submit idea” button, via which you can leave your feedback!

Check out this interactive demo to help you navigate the portal.

Audiense blog - Product Portal

Start leaving your feedback on what you would like us to include in our Product Roadmap, or provide your vote and thoughts on features we are considering to launch. Remember, you have the power to influence what we focus on next.

Our Product team will be monitoring your suggestions and keep this portal updated.

Getting to the Portal

You can access our Product Portal at any time via the Audiense dashboard, top right-hand corner message icon, by clicking on Product Feedback.

Audiense Product Portal - Product Feedback

You can also just bookmark this direct link.

Make reports public via the API

Audiense blog - Make reports public via the API

With our Public API, we recently made some improvements, which included:

  • Create a report using Twitter handles, whereas previously you were only able to create reports with Twitter IDs. 
  • List and delete reports
  • Choose segmentation type when creating reports

We have been working on further improving the API capabilities, and now you are also able to make insights reports public via the API and share them via the URL link.

Access to our API will depend on the type of account you have with Audiense, so be sure to ask if this is something you are interested in having access to. Check out our API FAQ's and our Product Portal update for more details on the above improvements.

Be part of our Beta Program!

Audiense has also launched a Beta program available for you to join and test out a few features in return for some feedback on them, helping us bring the right features to market. 

You can find a list of the current public betas available to test on our Product Portal

As always, you can get in touch with us via or speak to your account manager to get these activated in your account!

Other improvements we are planning next!

With improvements and innovation as a core focus at Audiense, no Product update would be complete without sharing a few things we have up our sleeve…

🪐 Segment auto-naming improvements
🧬 Merging and splitting segments 
💻 Sign in Alternatives (i.e. social and OAuth)
🔗 Audiense & GWI Integration 

If you are a subscriber to both Audiense and GWI (Core Data), get in touch with us to be amongst the first users to try out this integration. Read more about this on our Product Portal.

We will keep our Product Portal updated, so you can keep an eye on when these features have been launched, so be sure to visit the roadmap from time to time.

At Audiense we pride ourselves on putting you and your needs at the core of our development. Your feedback really does count, and we value your continued support in making Audiense the best it can be!