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Everything you need to know about Eurovision on Twitter

Written by Leticia Polese - Content Marketing Manager | May 14, 2014 11:14:28 AM

Another Eurovision contest has been and gone and we’ve all been left in tears. To celebrate (and prolong) our favourite European event we took a look at how Eurovision played out on Twitter. Here are a few cheeky brands and celebs that joined in the social conversation and hijacked some of the hashtags as well as a beautiful infographic with all you need to know about Eurovision on Twitter.


Primark’s timely tweet was well received by the Twittersphere. With over 4,200 retweets and loads of positive mentions this simple take on real-time was well played by the retail conglomerate.


Unlike poor Waterstones who saw their chance during the show and unfortunately missed it… (but A for effort, guys!)


And the most retweeted user of the night goes to Russell Brand. Who saw the funny side of the resemblance between him and winner Conchita. The comedian showed his support for her with some tongue in cheek tweets.


Dressed in drag Tom Neuwirth dedicated the win of his artist side Conchita Wurst to "everyone who believes in a future of peace and unity". Tom Neuwirth and the art figure Conchita Wurst are two individual characters with their own individual stories, but with one essential message for tolerance and against discrimination.

Some see it as a political win for gender diversity and anti-discrimination but whichever way you look at it Conchita deserved the win and we congratulate her!!!


Using Twitter analytics SocialBro discovered some amazing stats about the Twitter activity surrounding the event