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The Adecco Group & Audiense: Using Twitter marketing to create waves in HR

The Adecco Group & Audiense Experiences: Using Twitter marketing to create waves in HRA few weeks ago we organized a webinar #BotsInAction with Twitter Spain and a few major industry players, focusing on the state of chatbots today. It was evident from our discussion that the use of bots was by no means limited to a specific sector. In fact, the application of bots came with endless possibilities!

Adecco Spain (an innovative Twitter marketing customer) hit the ground running as they used Audiense Experiences to launch a subscription based career focused system through the use of direct messages on Twitter. Moving forward users of @Adecco_es or @SpringSpain, two of The Addeco Group’s accounts, will be able to navigate, manage and personalise their experiences.

According to Nicolás Castro, Digital Marketing Manager at The Adecco Group in Spain: "For us it was essential to reach all our users regardless of where they are. It was also essential to offer every user content that is really relevant to them. We believe if they decide what they receive and when, it will ensure a positive reception of all future communication, higher interaction rates and an undeniable improvement in the perception of the brand. The user experience is one of the pillars of our global marketing strategy. "

Using Audiense Experiences via one of the accounts mentioned above has created a user friendly experience. All the user has to do is send a DM to any one of the accounts and subscribe to the job alerts that interest them. They are also able to schedule the alerts based on their convenience. Through this development, The Adecco Group sends the right alerts at the right time to the right people.


This is how the @Adecco_es bot works, powered by Audiense Experiences This is how the @Adecco_es bot works, powered by Audiense Experiences


Jaime Pelegrí’s (Twitter Spain: Head of Business Spain & Portugal) presentation during the Spanish #BotsInAction webinar, made it clear that the role played by Twitter in creating rich, interactive, personalized and shareable experiences allows for rapid Twitter responses as a result of bot application. In turn the user benefits from a user friendly experience.

Would you like to optimize your Twitter marketing strategy through the use of a bot? Are you curious about how you could implement Audiense Experiences within your own brand? Why not take a leap of faith and contact us.

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